Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Hair like Silk - Neal and Wolf Super Shine Spray Review

I feel as if I'm constantly apologising to you guys at the moment for my absence of posts, but I do promise, that once my laptop is up and running as normal, I WILL be back to posting on a regular basis, and spamming your feeds with endless wittiness (just kiddin'. Orrrrrrr, am I?) Anyway, tonight's post is a quick one too, my iPad battery is about to run out, and the Winchesters are on my TV.

Gloss, elegance and silk are the three words which come to mind when I think of this product. I had to share it with you, just because I'm falling more and more in love with this brand...

Neal and wolf are a brand which seems to be quickly gaining in popularity, and their prices sit in the mid-range of hair products, coming at around £10 a product (roughly, though... Don't hold me to it!) Their products are easy to buy, given they are pretty much a capsule collection, having just the products you REALLY need, no hair dust or any of that silly stuff.

Like the heat protection spray, which is my holy grail for protection, the shine spray is another holy grail of mine, and in all honesty, does boast some similarities to the heat protection, like the way it feels weightless on the hair, and is dispensed as a fine mist, which covers all your hair lightly and evenly. It also has that incredible scent which the heat spray has, which can only be described as luxurious. Having caramel blonde coloured hair, I do occasionally need an extra bit of help with shine, but a lot of products don't actually do anything (I'm looking at you, Oribe, I feel like I want my £30+ back!) this, does make your locks glossier, without looking unnatural and helps to tame frizz and flyaways. This can be used in numerous ways too, which aren't listed on the bottle, including, spraying it on your hands and using to moisturise the ends, mixing in with shampoo, and even mixing in with curl cream to keep curls defined but glossy.

So my lovely followers, I hope you have a fantastic weekend, I'm home alone so I'm unsure just how lazy I want to be. People keep asking me to go out, or offering to come round to mine, but isn't it just SO much more fun watching cheesy telly, and wearing either silly onesies or nothing at all? (Sorry for that bad picture, maybe it's time to go?...)
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