Friday, 26 July 2013

One of them things you don't REALLY need - Velvotan Fake Tan Folding Back Applicator Review

Whilst ordering some more of my favourite fake tan the other day, I saw this little contraption come up on the same page, and I thought, despite how much of a novelty product it seems, how kind of brilliant the idea behind it was. 

But what did I really think of it? The concept, and the idea is pretty good, and I can imagine, quite the money-maker! However, the design just isn't quite there yet, it's too flimsy and small to get an even finish on your back, and takes so long to use, that by the time its even, your tan has actually dried, and gone a little "crumby" - it wasn't pretty!  I like the fact that it folds, and has a replacement pad, for ease of storage and use, but out of storage, it just isn't worth the money.

So I'm pretty sure you can all guess whether or not I think this is a total novelty? So much so, I wish I'd have spent my money on five bars of Dairy Milk from the pound shop. But let's be serious, chocolate is welcome anytime, anyday. (Is that some Dairy Milk in the fridge??? BYE!)



  1. Oh no this sounds like such a rubbish product.. I bet you're gutted, it sounded so promising! xx

    Gemma | ♥ Miss Makeup Magpie ♥

    1. I know, I thought it'd be so brilliant. It just isn't designed well enough to work! Load of poo if you ask me!! Xx

  2. It sounded like something I'd go for too, I'm always looking for new tans and new ways to tan. Guess I'll stick to latex gloves and baby sponges! xo

    Be sure to check out my latest post on the brand new Body Shop lipsticks:)

    Be Pulchritudinous. | UK Beauty and Life Blog

    1. I know, plus I tend to love little inventions like this, it's just not there yet. I use latex gloves, too! Do you buy them from a pharmacy in bulk? I do, lasts ages!!! X

  3. shame it doesnt work proeperly - i could realy use one x

    1. Me too! I thought it'd be so brilliant. Until now, it'll have to be another pair of hands, haha! x

  4. great idea, shame about the execution! xx

  5. In theory it does seem a good idea...Shame it doesn't work as well as it should!

    1. I know! I've heard things about using towels and old tees, may give one of them a go.

  6. This is the most amazing invention! Love your blog bubs - found it through 'bbloggers chat.

    Love Zoe x

  7. I bought this too but I can only seem to apply splodgy patches of fake tan to my back with it. Shame because it's such a good idea...maybe the sponge pad just needs to be bigger. Glad I'm not the only one having issues with it! I'll stick to asking my Mum to tan my back for me :P Hope you're well Mol xxx

    1. That's exactly what I found with it- it's a nightmare! Yeah haha, it's fine when there's someone around to do it! I'm fine thanks babe, hope you're well too gorgeous! Xxx


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